05 . 03 . 24
The story behind the Storey
My first book launch took place at the Storey building in Lancaster, my new home town.
I moved here following a huge life change. I had no idea initially when choosing a venue, that this beautiful old building in the heart of the city, had family connections for me, it just felt like the right place, just as moving to Lancaster felt right, as though I was coming home. I was - past life story which I shall keep for another day!
It was a wonderful and dare I say, magical day. People use the phrase, ‘feel the love in the room’, and believe me you could. I was able to share my story of how I became a writer, and a little of what it entails to bring a book to publication. There was music from my son, and a meditation to guide people to find their own white wolf within. There was love, and laughter, a lot of laughter.
There was also pain.
I wrote the book whilst still married and with my beloved companion Belle by my side. The date chosen for the launch was 26th March 2023, two years to the day that Belle had died. I was also now divorced.
But the spirit of Belle was with us all in the room, just as much as the physical presence of my ex-husband for whom I will always be grateful for bringing Belle into my life at a time when I so desperately needed a guiding light.
To be your White Wolf Within, is to show love, courage, loyalty, amongst other attributes. The love and loyalty that may still exist between a couple even after the marriage may have ended is but one example of what it means to me to honour the memory of Belle, my beloved companion, the inspiration for Luna, and White Wolf Within.
White Wolf Within begins with an ending, as do so many chapters of our lives. How we deal with these endings, is fundamental to how the new beginnings may then evolve. To have my family there beside me as I celebrated the launch of this book, was for me, pure magic. And I do believe in magic. I always have and I always will.
The magic is there in the pages of White Wolf Within.
Love is magic. Loyalty is magic. Believe in both.
White Wolf Within is temporarily available but will be republished soon.